Writing a review about an interesting work of architecture or home design.

Top 10 iconic pieces of architecture video

 Follow the steps to write a review of an interesting work of architecture or home design.



  1. Think about something in architecture or home design that interests you.
  2. Describe what it is, what it looks like, and explain what you like about it.

This post aims to explain how to write a review for the C1 Advanced Cambridge exam . A review is one of the options in the 2nd task of the writing exam. The main purpose of a review is to give your personal opinion about something, suggesting what is good or bad about it. Reviews are usually written for newspapers, websites or magazines and therefore have a fairly informal style. The text should be personal and include your personal opinion.


  • a title
  • state what you are reviewing
  • a brief description with interesting adjectives and adverbs
  • recommendations of target audience and summarize the review


You have seen this announcement on your favourite music website.

Have you ever been to an amazing concert venue?

Write a review of the best music venue in your local area and tell us about what makes it so special. Say who you would recommend it for a why?

The best entries will be published on our website.




The Apollo: The Theatre of Dreams

Never before have you seen such an amazing spectacle as you will see in the Apollo. It’s not only the facilities and personnel that make this venue so great, but also the amazing acoustics of such a large venue.

From the moment you enter the place there is an awe about it. All of the greatest acts of recent times have played here and you can feel the buzz as soon as you enter. The crowd are so close to the stage that they can literally feel the droplets of sweat coming off of the brows of their favourite artists, this creates an amazing connection between the musicians and the audience and I can tell you, the fans go wild!

I’d definitely recommend this venue to anyone, it has a great feel to it and the prices are at the lower end of what you would expect to pay in such a place. They also don’t go over the top on drinks prices, and through it sounds weird, it’s not all that difficult to get to the bathroom which is a plus. So, without a doubt, the next time your favourite group is playing, come on down to the Apollo, oh, and did I mention it is in London? It couldn’t get any better.


It is highly recommendable to have a set template for each type of text before the day of the exam to make sure you meet the correct standard. Try learning some of these phrases to include in your template.



  • In my opinion, …
  • In my eyes, …
  • To my mind, …
  • As far as I am concerned, …
  • Speaking personally, …
  • From my point of view, …
  • As for me / As to me, …
  • My view / opinion / belief / impression / conviction is that …
  • It goes without saying…
  • I hold the view that …
  • I would say that …
  • It seems to me that …
  • I am of the opinion that …
  • I’ll stick my neck out and say…
  • I’d hazard a guess that…
  • My impression is that …
  • I am under the impression that …
  • It is my impression that …
  • I have the feeling that …
  • My own feeling on the subject is that …
  • I have no doubt that …
  • I am sure / I am certain that …
  • I think / consider / find / feel / believe / suppose / presume / assume/reckon that …
  • I hold the opinion that …
  • I dare say that …
  • I guess that …
  • I bet that ….
  • I gather that …
  • It goes without saying that …


Making recommendations: 

  • I would (highly) recommend…
  • If I were you, I’d take a look at…
  • It is well worth the wait because…
  • It would be a good idea to check it out as…
  • The… must be included as…



  • As I have said before…
  • With respect to the point on…
  • Regarding…
  • Like I have said…
  • In relation to…
  • Taking into account…


Expressing enthusiasm:

  • I am delighted (that)…
  • It is thrilling (that)…
  • It is awesome (that)…
  • It seems exciting to think…


Expressing surprise:

  • I was caught completely off guard by…
  • It is really surprising (that)…
  • I was taken aback when….
  • … really takes my breath away…



  • Probably – He will probably do the exam next week
  • Perhaps/maybe – Perhaps he doesn’t have time
  • May/might/could – You might be luckier next time
  • What if – What if he doesn’t arrive on time?


Preferences: I prefer (…ing), I like ___ more than…

  • I would rather (bare infinitive)
  • I would prefer (infinitive)
  • I would sooner (bare infinitive)

Unit 8.- Listening and Reading

Ingenious product design ideas

Listening activities on Ellevate

What do you know of Australia?

What cities do you know exist in Australia?

Reading Unit 8 ellevate exercise 

8.2.- Vocabulary

 Top 10 iconic architects of all time video

Mies Van der Rohe video

Vocabulary activities on Ellevate

Too or enough and comparisons with as...

 Believe by Cher song video

Believe by Cher


After love, after love
After love, after love
After love, after love
No matter how hard I try
You keep pushing me aside
And I can't break through
There's no talking to you
So sad that you're leaving
It takes time to believe it
But after all is said and done
You're gonna be the lonely one, oh
Do you believe in life after love?
I can feel something inside me say
I really don't think you're strong enough now
Do you believe in life after love?
I can feel something inside me say
I really don't think you're strong enough now
What am I supposed to do?
Sit around and wait for you?
Well, I can't do that
There's no turning back
I need time to move on
I need love to feel strong
'Cause I've had time to think it through
And maybe I'm too good for you, oh
Do you believe in life after love?
I can feel something inside me say
I really don't think you're strong enough now
Do you believe in life after love?
I can feel something inside me say
I really don't think you're strong enough now
Well, I know that I'll get through this
'Cause I know that I am strong
I don't need you anymore
Oh, I don't need you anymore
I don't need you anymore
No, I don't need you anymore
Do you believe in life after love?
I can feel something inside me say
I really don't think you're strong enough now
Do you believe in life after love?
I can feel something inside me say
I really don't think you're strong enough now
Do you believe in life after love?
I can feel something inside me say
I really don't think you're strong enough now
Do you believe in life after love?
I can feel something inside me say
I really don't think you're strong enough now

Introductory phrases related to the use of "too" or "enough"
Maybe I'm too good for you
I really don't think you're strong enough now

Introductory sample phrases
You're strong enough.
I'm too good for you.
Cher is as beautiful as Madonna.

Too or enough video

Collaborative activity about the use of "too" vs " enough".

Types of comparisons
1.- Superiority = Cancun is more expensive than Merida for living.
2.- Inferiority = Merida is less expensive than Cancun for living.
3.- Equality = Playa del Carmen is as beautiful as Cancun.
4.- Inequality = Puerto Morelos is not as big as Cancun.

Your sister is not as smart as you.
Your car is not as expensive as ours.
Your computer is not as new as my computer.
Your home is not as far from school as mine.
Your life is not as colorful as mine.

Collaborative online activity about comparisons with as....as

Individual task

Level 5 Module 3 Unit 8 Grammar Activity on Ellevate

8.|.- The world of Design focused on Apple history

What Apple products do you know?

Apple history video

Theme opener on Ellevate.

How to write a C1 level article.

 Why does an ice cube melt when you take it out from the freezer?

How to write a C1 level article.


The structure of an article for a newspaper, magazine or website, is usually in three parts:

  • introduction – engaging the reader, or outlining the main point of the article to follow
  • middle – making clear and interesting points about the topic
  • end – a concluding paragraph that draws the points together

Article: Structure

An attractive title
Drawing the attention of readers and indicating the article’s theme.
An introduction
Clarifying the theme and attracting the reader’s attention.
The main body paragraph
Articles may also have subheadings for each paragraph.
The main body paragraph
Articles may also have subheadings for each paragraph.
Either a summary of the theme or a final opinion, recommendation or comment.

If the aim of an article is to persuade the reader, then the opening and closing paragraph will outline the writer’s viewpoint and make it most memorable. Subheadings are sometimes used to signpost the content of each.


The language of an article depends upon the purpose and audience; usually, the vocabulary of the article will fit the topic content, and who it is targeted at. For example, you would expect an article about a recent film release to include the vocabulary of actors, scripts and performance.

A catchy, memorable headline is essential to grab your readers’ attention and entice them to read the whole article.

Articles are usually written in Standard English, but colloquial sayings or phrases might be used to emphasise a point. Persuasive devices, such as rule of three, rhetorical questions and alliteration can be used to encourage the reader to agree with your point of view.


Here’s an extract from an article that tries to persuade the reader to eat a more balanced, healthy diet:

Eat Right: Live Longer

It has been scientifically proven that the less junk food a person consumes, the longer they are likely to live. So why isn’t everyone dumping the junk? Jordan McIntyre investigates.

Fast food equals fat

A staple part of twenty-first century British home-life is the weekly takeaway treat: finger-licking burgers, sticky ribs and crispy chicken wings are, for many, the normal Friday night feast. The average national calorie count in the UK is a whopping 4500 a day, a key factor in the obesity cases that are soaring. Fast food is packed with fat and obesity contributes to a range of health issues - most significantly heart disease and depression. So why aren’t we changing our lifestyles?

Short on time

Families these days are spending less and less time at home during the working week. School commitments, work meetings and extra curricular activities mean that time is short and fewer people are prepared to put in the effort to prepare fresh, healthy meals.

And when time is tight, it seems we are even more willing to compromise our waistlines for a little bit of what we fancy – fast fatty food.

Eat yourself healthy

However, Georgia Thomas of the University of Food says, ‘I am convinced that it is possible to live a busy lifestyle AND prepare healthy, satisfying meals. It seems that people have simply got out of the habit of cooking. We are busy people; how do we reward ourselves? You guessed it - food.’ Britain clearly needs to shift the stodge, and fast.

The article uses a short, bold headline using alliteration to get the reader’s interest and present the topic of the article. The rhetorical question in the opening paragraph encourages the reader to challenge the topic. The subheadings direct the reader through the text, and act as mini headlines, drawing the reader’s attention. The writer uses hyperbole, and colloquial sayings to produce a lively, interesting article. This style of language is used throughout with phrases such as ‘little bit of what we fancy’ and ‘shift the stodge’ adding a conversational tone to the whole piece.

The final paragraph uses quotations from an expert to add credibility to the argument. You would expect the article to go on to explore how we can eat healthily and to conclude with an explanation of how easy it is to do this.

seful phrases and expressions

We will finish it with some useful vocabulary mostly used to organize information. Although it is taking a shortcut, if you learn several expressions for each paragraph in each type of text that could be on your exam, you will certainly be able to create a very consistent and well-organized text.

Agreeing partially

This is partly true…
To (an) (certain) / (some) extent…

In some cases …
Up to a point …
While it can not be denied that …
While it is true that…

Qualifying Statements

There is a tendency to…
A large number of the times…
Usually, they are inclined to…
Generally speaking…
Things appear to be…
In a large number of cases…
In some instances…

Summary / Repetition / Exemplification

In brief…
On the whole…
In short…
In other words…
To be sure…
For instance…
In fact…
In any event…


With this object in view/mind…
To this end…
For this purpose….

Place and Location

On the opposite side…
Adjacent to…
Over head…
To/on the right…
In the centre…
Over to the left/right….
In the same area….
In the neighbouring town….



Another sample article writing is available on http://cpesamplewritings.blogspot.com/2012/09/life-and-city.html

Task.- Write a C1 level article about how Technology makes our world smaller in accordance with the following guidelines based on Cambridge standards:

1.- Length between 220 and 260 words divided into 4 or 5 paragraphs.

2.- Include titles and subtitles.

3.- Use the appropriate language taking into account that is your online school magazine.

4.- The content will be focused on the effect in the first paragraph and the causes in the body ones.

5.- Don't forget to include your conclusion in the last paragraph.

7.4.- Reading and writing

How do you think technology has changed our nowadays life?

Top 10 most blowing technologies

Unit 7 workbook reading assignment

Linking words of contrast video

Linking words of cause and effect


Unit 7 workbook writing assignment

Uber and Airbnb History

Have you ever been lodged in an Airbnb?

Have you ever been taken on Uber?


Module 5 Level 3 Unit 7 Listening and Pronunciation exercises on Ellevate.

Module 5 Level 3 Unit 7 Reading exercise on Ellevate.

Superlatives with present perfect

 What's the best book you've ever read?

What's the most interesting film you've ever seen?

What's the most beautiful place you've ever been to?

What's the most delicious food you've ever eaten?

Collaborative online exercise about superlatives

Collaborative online exercise about present perfect


Superlatives with Present Perfect to talk about remarkable experiences.
The most beautiful city I have ever visited is Paris.
The most popular country I haven't ever visited is Australia.
What is the most beautiful city you have ever visited?

The world of ideas.

Go to www.menti.com and use the code 3803 6241

Collaborative activity: Level 5 Module 3 Unit 7.- Get Ready

Collaborative activity 2.- Level 5 Module 3 Unit 7 Vocabulary

Individual assignment: Workbook Level 5 Module 3 Unit 7 vocabulary

What is creativity?


What is creativity? Video



What's your creativity style online quiz?


Creativity: The Science behind madness video



Theme opener 3 on Ellevate


Level 5 Module 3 Unit 7 Get ready on Ellevate

Vocabulary Collaborative activity


Assignment 1 on Ellevate

Course assessment and class policies.


Course Policies:


1.- Recorded absences cannot be modified.

2.- Maximum of absences allowed: 11.

3.- Missing activities can be delivered prior to the end of the period; however, a penalisation of 20 points less can be applied.

4.- All the required activities during the week are graded. Hence, the average of the week will be assigned as a grade for the current activity on Banner.

5.- The attendance can be recorded at any time during the class.

6.- Exam applications out of date need to be authorised by the generation leaders.

7.- The official grade record is on Banner.

8.- The acquisition of the Ellevate license is compulsorily required to be applied for the period exam and most of the assignments.

9.- Inappropriate behaviour can be revealed to the corresponding generation leader for further academic penalisation.

Schedule: Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 8:30 to 10.

Self-introduction and Course programme


Greetings! My name is Elmer Santana and I will be your English teacher for the English 7 course at Tecmilenio high. In spite of having a  Bachelor Degree in Business at Tecmilenio University of Cancun, I am certified in CAE and in TKT Syllabus by the University of Cambridge and I have been working as a language teacher for different educational institutions and tourism companies in Cancun for more than ten years; in addition, I have been to the United Kingdom with the aim of bushing up on my language accuracy and living the British culture. I hope we had a great time together while sharing our own knowledge and experiences during this course.

Wishes and regrets

I wish by Skee-Lo Wishes and regrets explanation video   Wishes in movie segments video Collaborative activity https://test-english.com/gram...